Ahern Roberts O’Rourke Williams & Partners
Invite you to a
Coffee morning at our offices
between 10 a.m. and 12 midday on Friday next, the 17th June.
Ahern Roberts O’Rourke Williams & Partners are delighted to be associated with an exciting new development which is about to take off in Kilnagleary, Carrigaline. Carrigaline RFC and Carrigaline Athletics Club have joined forces to establish a new sports facility for young and old in Kilnagleary. When developed, the site will have facilities for both rugby and athletics. Planning Permission was granted earlier this year and the drive for development and fund raising has now started.
The Clubs will run their first fundraiser, a spinathon on Saturday, the 9th of July at the Owenabue Car Park. Members of both clubs will peddle for sponsorship to raise badly needed funds. Further details of the event are available on the Carrigaline RFC Facebook page and the Carrigaline Community Notice Board.
To launch the event, we are happy to host a coffee morning at our offices between 10 a.m. and 12 midday on Friday next, the 17th June. Coffee will be provided by “Coastal Coffee” young entrepreneurs from the Carrigaline / Crosshaven area who have developed a very successful coffee business over the last 18 months. All our clients, neighbours and friends are welcome to attend and visitors will be entered in a draw for a super hamper.
Please come along and support the launch.